Plant Your Dream Seeds – How To Terraform Your Life.

During the Corona lockdown we have started gardening more than ever. It was so exciting to witness how little seeds grew into plants and start bearing fruits themselves – mostly in a truly short time.

Planting a goal or a dream is a lot like planting a seed.

First, you dream. Then you plot and plan. Next, you start implementing.

By making the first steps towards making your dream come true, you plant the seed!

If you take the right steps and measures, apply focus and nutrition, you may see your idea and hard work sprout and turn your dream into reality.

Beware: Sometimes the seed doesn’t sprout or grow despite your efforts!

This may be due to the wrong measures applied, too little focus, too much sunshine, too little water or other reasons? Try to find out why your dream didn’t sprout and then decide whether you’d like to give it a second chance – or give up.

Gardening, starting up a business or doing anything you may consider “your dream” may not be easy – at first.

That’s why you shouldn’t give up too early.

Learn to accept failure as a crucial factor – towards success.

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.

Fail, fail early, fail forward.

Keep trying if your goal is worth your while. Like farmers, keep planting seeds and work on optimizing your methods.

Some will fail but more and more will grow.

It’s never the wrong time to start planting the seeds for your dream!

Mostly, the simple act of starting is what makes the conditions right.

Dreams don’t know any seasons.

Listen to your dreams.

We all have dreams.

Take pleasure in dreaming.

Take them seriously.

Listen to them.

This is YOU!

We all start small in life.

Important is that you learn how to plant your seeds early in life.

This doesn’t mean later in life you should stop planting though!

Plant many seeds if you can.

Don’t judge your young days by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.

All growth has humble beginnings.

Growth starts with a seed that is planted, watered, nurtured, and well taken care of.

Dreams like seeds might take a while to start growing and often sprout when you least expect it!

Keep taking care of your seeds and remain patient.

Don’t give up on your seeds too early.

Do the hard work necessary and enjoy the baby steps of your young dreams.

This is mostly the most defining moment of big dreams coming to fruition.

Once your dreams have taken an initial leap and grown to a certain size, make sure you give them the necessary space, focus and care to enable them growing into their next level.

Remember to remain patient.

Take the long-term view.

At a certain point in time your dreams should be able to “grow” legs and learn how to survive by themselves.

The phase of initial recurring, sometimes painful efforts is over for now.

This is what can also be called “habits have been formed”.

You have started to change and working on your dream has become a reality of your daily life.

Depending on how many dreams you’re chasing, in this phase it’ll get crucial to start optimizing your farming efforts.

Keep grooming your field of dreams further in a systematic way.

Keep pushing into the unknown.

Dream big and figure out how to best allocate your limited resources to face adversity and make your dreams take over previously uncontested or infertile territory.

Nurture your dreams from deep within.

This phase is usually expanding your established business further or going the extra mile once again even you may not have to.

Many people are once again afraid of pushing through this growth barrier.

Think: What go you here, won’t get you there!

Our society is primed to keep people well within their comfort zone.

If you have grown to this stage, others will start to take notice how your dreams have taken shape.

This is where people will notice your growing dream.

Don’t be average.

Stand out.

With your dreams slowly becoming your reality, you will come across naysayers, haters and potential enemies.

Haters – like weeds – grow where there is nutritious ground.

If you chase your dreams, it’s normal – I would even say a positive sign – to attract these voices to your life.

It means you’ve created something too large to ignore.

You’re no longer living your life on “average” mode…

Learn how to fight those weeds in a smart way.

Don’t let them pollute your dreams.

No matter what obstacles you may encounter on your path of growth, don’t you ever think of blaming your circumstances.

Find out where you can influence the situation and apply your focus there.

Take ownership!

Wherever you are or what you do, other people have found ways to let their seeds grow before you – in similar situations.

Learn from them if needed and stay creative.

Think outside of the box: Unbox yourself.

Instead of impossible, say: I’m possible!

If you keep this course, stay patient.

Keep observing how the landscape of your dream life slowly turns greener.

You’re on the right path.

See how your dreamlife grows and how it transforms the world surrounding you.

You’re on the way to sustainably “terraform” your life now!

One day your efforts will start to pay-off.

First small.

Then increasingly more.

This is compounding at work.

Compounding works with money, with habits, with skills and with more.

No matter what you’re working on, try to be 1% better than yesterday – each day. And never stop.

This is how you can’t lose over time!

Ultimately your garden of dreams will bear fruits far beyond your wildest imaginations.

You might not be able to enjoy ALL the fruits of your dreams and efforts by yourself anymore.

This is great!

When that happens, reach out and start sharing your insights, your lessons and your harvest – the fruits of your dreams – with family, friends and anyone interested in learning.

Inspire them to plant their own seeds!

You can’t just plant a garden of dreams and be done with it.

This would be like saying “I’m done growing as a person now, what’s next?”.

Going after your dream life is more about finding ways to make the garden of your dreams more interesting, fun or diverse.

You can always find a way to redesign, rearrange or optimize further to add value to all it serves.

This is how to plant, nurture and grow seeds for successfully making your dreams become reality and terraform your life.

Keep dreaming.

Like my two your kids that have so many dreams themselves.

Imagineer your life and inspire others to do the same!

How many seeds have you planted this week?


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