Congratulations, it’s a BLOG!

Congratulations, it’s a BLOG!

This post is not a “giving birth with confidence blog” for mums to be but the “giving birth to a blog [with confidence]” post instead.

It's a baby blog!

It’s a baby blog!

The Financial Imagineer has been in the making for about 9 months and was the most audacious goal on my bucket list for my 2017 life transformation from corporate life into financial independence and freedom. Seeing it going live today gives me goose bumps and happiness simultaneously and marks the beginning of a new era in my life.

As the father of this new-born blog, I now have a tiny baby to take care of. Babies want to be loved, cuddled, held close but they also want to be nourished and grow. Ultimately there are only two lasting things we can hope to give our children in life: Deep roots and foundations BUT ALSO wings to fly. That’s exactly what I have in mind for this blog. Let’s watch it grow and fly together as flying alone would be boring and pointless, shall we?

That’s why my new baby blog is aiming to grow new friendships across the world by sharing financial experience and knowledge – helping each other fly.

It will keep learning and discover new aspects of how to design and financially imagineer YOUR life so YOU can make it a more enjoyable experience and align it with your passion and dreams.

There are several steps one has to take in order to board the journey to financial independence. Some of you might be further ahead in the game as others. The key is: getting started.

“If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got.” Albert Einstein

Take control – disrupted, reimagined

First step on this journey will be switching off the “auto-pilot” in life – to wake up – and taking control. Align your life with your dreams and passion, only then can you work towards making your dreams come true. Take control. Take ownership. This is not a rehearsal. This is your life. Game on. Here and now. Because:

“On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.” Chuck Palahniuk

Navigate – Re-Imagineer your life

Prior to making first moves, we must first understand the following:

  1. Know yourself – where are you?
  2. Know your target – where would you like to go?
  3. Know your course – why/ how would you like to go there?

Only if and when you have answered these three questions may you set-out and plan your journey. So do your homework well. There might be different approaches on how to navigate and make it happen for you depending on each and every situation. But luckily: Everything is figureoutable. Unleashing the desire to embark the journey is key and only the enduring will be able to keep the course and reach the finishing-line. Therefore: “why” is more important as “how”.

Know yourself. Know your target. Know your course. Go!

Financial Imagineering

Financial Imagineering is the process of crafting and implementing a [financial] plan aligned with your [wildest] dreams, ambitions and imaginations in life – making your dreams work. Your “tool-box” so to say in order to put the rubber to the ground. You might have heard that by making financial literacy a priority, freedom and happiness will come as a natural result of having more options in life. The spiritual focus is not so much money but more freedom. Creative mind mapping, exploring and discovering ideas to support the course and making the journey easier and more enjoyable will be the core of this blog. There are many ways to Rome. And as you might know, Rome was not built in a day.

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” – William Arthur Ward

Defying Financial Gravity – Imagineered for success

Growing your net-worth is prerequisite for attaining financial independence and therefore your freedom. Taking-off and getting started is sometimes hard. As you get increasingly financially literate and grow your net-worth over time, it will get easier to defy financial gravity [the magic force that pulls many people back to ground zero] as you will unlock more options in and for designing your life. Measure your net-worth regularly and make it your top priority to let it grow. Level-up! Working on your own financial independence is not a walk in the park and will require your hard work, commitment, time, knowledge, confidence, passion and patience. Hence, it should be a fun journey and having friends along the way will make it easier.

“Always shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will land amongst the stars.” – Les Brown

That leaves me with closing that good things don’t come easy – but they do come eventually for people who commit to learn and work on making their dreams reality. Good things don’t come to those who wait, they come to those who go out and make them happen – step by step – and never give up.

Winning and Quitting are both a habit. Which one are you forming?

Thanks for sticking with me and reading this far. This newly born baby blog should grow into a connecting-the-dots-go-to-source for people searching for applicable ideas about how to pursue financial independence and how to pursue happiness. Please do join me on this new adventure.

This is the Financial Imagineer getting started – see you soon!

2 thoughts on “Congratulations, it’s a BLOG!”

  1. Signing in as your first supporter, congratulations on making your first baby step in sharing the why and how towards FIRE!

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